370A A1A Beach Blvd. St Augustine Beach, Florida 32080
Hours: 10am-5pm Mon-Sat. 12pm to 4pm Sun. Phone: (904) 295-4428 Our Board
President: Paul Slava
Secretary: Jennifer Blay Treasurer: Sharon Moon Director: Annette Jones Board Member: Pam Bell New board members: Steve Tavender Carole “Wattie” Foster Cheryl Fox Thom Stimpel |
Committee Chair - Rentals:
Committee Chair - Membership: Michelle Hedge Social Media - Facebook and Instagram: Paul Slava Grants Committee- Pam Bell, Chair Construction Oversight Committee- Annette Jones, Chair Art Show Coordinators: (for taking in art and hanging): Wattie Foster & team Webmaster - Cathlyn Driscoll We are a 501 (c)(3) Non Profit Organization |