370A A1A Beach Blvd. St Augustine Beach, Florida 32080
Hours: 10am-5pm Mon-Sat. 12pm to 4pm Sun. Phone: (904) 295-4428 Ann Maureen Doyle
Ann worked as a writer and editor of technical and promotional materials for many years before settling down to write her first novel, Agnes Somerset: A Victorian Tale (on sale at the Beach Art Studio). She spent a year researching background for the story, which takes place in rural New York state twenty years after the Civil War. She then set about crafting a Victorian tale that would be suitable for young and old readers alike. Since her teen years, Ann has held an abiding interest in Victorian fiction and life in those times.
Ann lives with her husband in historic Saint Augustine, Florida. They have five children and lots of stories. You can preview Ann’s novel at the book’s Amazon page, or better yet, leaf through a copy at the Studio! Rosaries In 2010, Ann returned to the Catholic Church after an absence of several decades, and nine years later she taught herself to make rosaries, a craft she had long admired. Ann believes that beauty is an effective and fitting aid to prayer, so she fashions her rosaries from a variety of colored glass and stone beads, combining hues and textures that will make daily handling of the rosary a pleasure. A selection of Ann’s full-size and single-decade rosaries are on display at the Studio, priced to encourage visitors to take one home. Find out more at AnnoDominiRosaries.com Contact Ann at [email protected] |